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オーディション開催のお知らせ(Audition Announcement)




〒390-0874 長野県松本市大手3丁目3番9号 NTT東日本松本大名町ビル 1F(NTT East Matsumoto Daimyocho Building 1F, 3-3-9 Ote, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture 390-0874)

アクセスマップ(Access Map)

▼日時(Date and Time)

令和6年9月28日(土)13時~(予定)(Saturday, September 28, 2024, 13:00 (scheduled))

▼お申込み方法(how to apply)

下記申込フォーよりお申込みください。(Please apply using the application form below.)



京都信用金庫 西陣支店【2階セミナールーム】(Kyoto Shinkin Bank Nishijin Branch 【2nd floor seminar room】)

〒602-8474 京都市上京区千本通五辻下る上善寺町108番地(108 Kamizenji-cho, Senbon-dori Ittsuji, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8474)

アクセスマップ(Access Map)

▼日時(Date and Time)

令和6年10月5日(土)10時~12時(Saturday, October 5, 2020, 10:00-12:00)

▼お申込み方法(how to apply)

下記申込フォーよりお申込みください。(Please apply using the application form below.)


The tabs on the left are the details pages for "【A】Recruiting foreign actors," and the tabs on the right are the details pages for "【B】Recruiting actors and extras." Click on each title to check the details and then apply.

【A】外国人の役者募集【Looking for foreign actors】

公演日程(Performance Schedule)


[Matsumoto Performance] March 8th (Sat) - 9th (Sun) 2025 *Joint rehearsal on the 8th (Sat)


[Kyoto Performance] March 19th (Wed) - 20th (Thurs./Holiday), 2025 *Joint rehearsal on the 19th (Wed)

募集人数(Number of applicants)


1 to 3 people

募集要項(Application Requirements)



Caucasian males in their teens to thirties (regardless of nationality)

※Role: Soviet soldier during WWII.


There will be acting instruction and line reading, so we require people who can speak Japanese at a level of everyday conversation.


Those who can participate in rehearsals (scheduled for 2-3 days), dress rehearsals, and the actual performance

応募に関する確認事項(Confirmation points regarding application)


Please attach a photo of your application (either a face photo or a full-body photo is acceptable) (a selfie taken with a smartphone is fine)

出演料などについて(About appearance fees etc)


Performance fee is negotiable


Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered














